Unique: Blueberry Liquor | Afinata

The blueberry liquor is a common treat for visitors in Romania (we call it "Afinata"). We occasionally add drops of blueberry liquor in fruit salads, or we use the berries in the recipe to make desserts (for example, the Chocolate Bfinals). And whether you need another excuse to endelight it, then you should know that it supposedly has healing advantages in treating dwhetherferent conditions. I don't remember a guest who tried this recipe at my place and did not ask for a recipe - so here it is.

 - Five pounds of fresh biological blueberries
 - Five cups of sugar
 - (Optional) 2-3 tablespoons of vanilla essence or 1 vanilla bean
 - One 750ml bottle of 150 proof distilled alcohol

 - Wash the blueberries thoroughly, then dry with a paper towel. Put them in a large jar, accompanied by the sugar (make certain the sugar is spread all around the berries, not just in a unwhetherorm layer on top or on the bottom). Also, add the vanilla bean now, whether you're using it. Cover the jar, mix occasionally (about once per day), and let sit for around one week (until the berries are covered in syrup and there is no more visible sugar).
 - Add the alcohol. If you want to add vanilla essence (and did not add a vanilla bean earlier), now is a good time to do so. Cover the jar, and let sit at room moodature for 1-2 months.

 - Serve at room moodature or with a few dices of ice.
 - I opted to present it surrounded by fresh berries (the source of the flavor in the drink).
 - I further threw in an colorful cocktail umbrella to make the wgap presentation more lively.

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